How to Remain Active in the Golden Years

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Physical activity is important for people of all ages, but it can be especially vital for aging adults. Remaining active in the senior years is crucial for enhancing physical health, maintaining independence, living longer, staying at a healthy weight, and managing various health issues. If your senior loved one needs some motivation to keep up or increase his or her current levels of activity, the following tips may help. 


Find a Workout Pal

It’s easier for seniors to stay active when they have someone to exercise with. The companionship may make the time go faster, and it’s harder to say no when exercising with someone else. Help your loved one find an exercise partner by reaching out to friends, family, neighbors, and senior groups in the community. 

Consider hiring a professional caregiver to help your loved one exercise. Senior care experts are available to provide high-quality care to seniors on an as-needed basis. From assistance with mobility and exercise to providing transportation to the doctor’s office and social events, there are a variety of ways professional caregivers can help your aging loved one continue to live independently.


Plug in Some Earbuds

For some seniors, exercise may seem boring, but there are ways to stay distracted. For example, your loved one can put together a playlist of his or her favorite music, or you can download a music app that plays tunes from the genres and artists he or she loves. Your loved one could also listen to an audiobook and get lost in the story while walking or biking. 


Start an Active Hobby

Gardening, hiking, tennis, yoga, golfing, dog walking, and dancing are all hobbies that require a certain level of activity. If your loved one has ever dreamed of trying out an active hobby, there’s no time like the present. Often, local senior centers or gyms offer modified classes for older adults. 

Older adults who need help performing activities such as gardening and yoga should consider professional in-home care. Some seniors need occasional assistance at home, and oftentimes the family members who take care of them need time away to run errands, take a nap, go to work, or take a vacation. Livingston respite care experts from Assisting Hands Home Care are available on an as-needed basis, giving your family peace of mind that your loved one will remain safe and comfortable while you relax or focus on other important responsibilities. 


Walk More

Physical activity doesn’t necessarily mean joining the gym and working out with a personal trainer. Simple walking can be part of a healthy exercise routine. Encourage your loved one to walk more often, which might mean taking a trip down the sidewalk to the end of the street when getting the mail or parking in a space that’s far away from the store instead of up front. You might even consider getting your loved one a pedometer or another device that counts steps so he or she can set daily goals.


Get a Dog

Not every senior is able to take care of a dog, but if your loved one is, it may be time to add one to the family. Having a dog that requires regular walks and playtime forces your loved one to remain active. As a bonus, seniors with pets typically have lower blood pressure, lower cholesterol, less risk of having a heart attack, and better emotional health. 


Join a Mall Walking Group

If your loved one is looking for a comfortable, safe place to walk, look to your local mall. If you’ve ever been inside the mall early before the stores open or just after they do, you’ve probably seen some older adults making circles around the mall’s interior. Many communities have mall walking groups that welcome newcomers. Mall walking is a great way for older people to stay active, and it also helps them remain social. 

If your aging loved one needs help managing everyday tasks or encouragement to adopt healthier lifestyle choices, turn to Assisting Hands Home Care, a leading provider of home care. Livingston Assisting Hands Home Care provides professional in-home caregivers around the clock to help seniors live longer, happier, and healthier lives. Call one of our Care Managers today to learn about our customized in-home care plans.