Dementia care requires a special touch that only a compassionate caregiver provides. During the course of a day, you may be called upon to calm your senior loved one’s frustration while also managing household duties such as grocery shopping and meal planning. While there’s never a dull moment as a dementia caregiver, you can use the following tools to stay on top of your duties.
Gather Resources on Dementia Care
Books, websites, and health brochures are all critical tools you can use to learn more about dementia. Since you may have been thrust into your role with little warning, these resources are valuable for helping you avoid feeling overwhelmed. However, you should always be mindful of where information comes from. While the internet can be a good resource, it’s best to double-check new ideas with professional caregivers or a member of your loved one’s medical team to make sure they’re valid.
If your senior loved one has been diagnosed with a serious condition and needs help with tasks like meal prep, transportation, bathing, and grooming, reach out to Assisting Hands Home Care, a leading provider of elderly home care families can trust. We also offer comprehensive care for seniors with dementia, Alzheimer’s, and Parkinson’s.
Find Your Preferred Organizing System
Whether you prefer a pocket-sized daily planner or a huge desk calendar, you need to have somewhere you can keep information in one place and add appointment dates for both you and your loved one. A central organization system also serves as a form of communication with your loved one’s other caregivers. If you’re tech-savvy, you can even use smartphone apps to organize new information and share it with people you add to your network.
Put Together a List of Reliable Contacts for Help
Although there are many beautiful moments, you can expect there will also be some trying times as a dementia caregiver. Make sure you have somewhere to turn if you need a short break or a whole day off to renew your mindset. You should also have a few people on your contact list who have experience with dementia so you can reach out to them with questions. For instance, you might call your loved one’s overnight caregiver to find out how to prevent wandering, since some of these strategies could work during the day.
Caring for seniors with dementia can be challenging for family caregivers. Luckily, there is dementia care Livingston families can rely on. Professional dementia caregivers help seniors with dementia stay safe and comfortable at home by preventing wandering, providing cognitive stimulation, and assisting with household chores.
Keep a Caregiver Bag Packed & Ready
As your loved one’s health changes, you never know when you may need to leave home unexpectedly for an emergency visit to the hospital. Or your loved one could have incontinence and even a trip to the store turns into a serious situation. Find a tote bag or backpack big enough to hold everything you need for a day trip. Then add a few extra items such as energy bars and bottled water that can get you through a longer time away from home. This way, all you have to do is grab it and go if you need to rush out the door.
Establish at Least Three Go-To Relaxation Strategies
A positive attitude is one of your biggest tools as a caregiver that you can rely on in any situation. However, burnout is a fast way to lose this tool. Identify at least three things you can do to relax, and make sure some can be done at your loved one’s home and also while you’re on a break. From deep breathing in the kitchen for a few minutes to going to the gym, learning how to relieve stress can keep you in top condition for performing your duties.
Caring for a parent with dementia can be challenging. If you’re the primary caregiver for a senior family member and are looking for professional home care, Livingston Assisting Hands Home Care should be your top choice. Our dedicated and compassionate caregivers are committed to helping older adults manage their health and enjoy a higher quality of life in the golden years. Call today to speak with a friendly and experienced Care Manager to formulate a home care plan for your loved one.