6 Tips for Identifying Elder Abuse from Far Away

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Elder abuse is more likely to happen to seniors whose relatives live far away and can’t see them regularly. However, you might not know someone is abusing your elderly relative until the problem has reached serious levels. Following these six tips for checking for abuse helps you know your loved one is being treated well by the people near him or her.

1. Arrange for a Video Chat

If your loved one is technologically savvy, you can set him or her up for video calls on a phone or computer. Seeing your loved one’s appearance on the video can tell you a lot about how he or she is doing. If you notice your loved one seems tired, ill, or withdrawn, you may need to do some further investigation to make sure he or she is okay.

2. Schedule Professional In-Person Visits

Some seniors dislike using video calls to communicate. You might have also noticed something concerning during a chat with your loved one. If you can’t drop in yourself, a professional home caregiver is an excellent substitute for a family member. Caregivers are trained to spot and report elder abuse. If your loved one’s caregiver notices something wrong, he or she will let you know right away. 

For many seniors in Livingston, NJ, live-in care is an essential component of aging in place safely and comfortably. However, it’s important for them to have caregivers they can trust and rely on. At Assisting Hands Home Care, we extensively screen all of our caregivers and only hire those who have experience in the senior home care industry. Our strict requirements ensure seniors can remain in the comfort of home with a reduced risk of injury or serious illness.

3. Check Out Your Loved One’s Financial Accounts

Financial abuse is common among the elderly. Most often, someone befriends a lonely senior and convinces the senior to give him or her money. Your loved one could also be targeted by a fraudster. You can check your loved one’s accounts online if he or she provides you with access. You may also need to watch for signs of money problems, such as finding out your loved one’s water or electricity services have been turned off.

4. Ask about Your Parent’s Social Life

Isolated seniors are more likely to be abused. While you want to hear your loved one is having an active social life, you should also be wary if he or she mentions a new friend who has taken a sudden interest in your loved one. Seniors are sometimes the targets of financial scams, so check into anyone your loved one says he or she suddenly met online. This is especially important if the person seems like an unlikely match. Things such as being much younger or from a different location may suggest the person has less than honorable intentions.

5. Be Wary of Sudden Injuries or Malnutrition

A senior who is being physically abused may be too afraid to speak out. Seniors are sometimes forced to skip meals if they’re losing money to financial abusers. Your loved one may also be vulnerable to physical abuse that leaves bruises or marks on his or her body. Neglect from an incompetent caregiver could cause your loved one to develop bedsores and skin rashes.

Families shouldn’t have to worry about finding trustworthy in-home care. When searching for reliable homecare services agencies, families want to know their senior loved ones will be well taken care of. At Assisting Hands Home Care Livingston, our expertly trained caregivers are available around the clock to assist with tasks around the house, provide transportation to medical appointments and social events, and much more.


6. Watch for Signs of Depression

Seniors who are being abused may only show emotional signs of the turmoil they face each day. In addition to being depressed, your loved one may mention he or she is afraid of someone or fearful about an upcoming visit. Secretive behavior is another red flag. Always follow up on any strange behavioral changes your loved one demonstrates to make sure he or she isn’t being abused.

One of the best ways to prevent elder abuse is to hire a trustworthy, compassionate home caregiver. Though you may be researching multiple agencies that provide senior home care, Livingston, NJ, Assisting Hands Home Care has much to offer your family and your elderly loved one. We are leaders in the senior home care industry, offering hourly and around-the-clock assistance from reliable, experienced caregivers. Trust Assisting Hands Home Care to help your loved one enjoy a happier and healthier life in the golden years. If your loved one needs assistance with the challenges of aging, reach out to one of our knowledgeable, compassionate Care Managers today.